
MTG Erupts: Why Biden’s Impeachment is a House Necessity!

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a feisty and fiery Republican from Georgia, made a passionate speech on the House floor this week, calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden. Greene, known for her outspoken nature and no-nonsense attitude, laid out her case for why she believes it is imperative for the House GOP to pursue impeachment proceedings against the President.

She started off by reminding everyone of her previous attempt to impeach Biden back in January, which resulted in her being stripped of her committee positions by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. According to Pelosi, it was because of Greene’s controversial and provocative Facebook posts, but Greene is convinced that it was really because she dared to go after Biden.

Greene then went on to draw a stark contrast between the evidence presented in the impeachment trials of former President Donald Trump and the allegations she is making against Biden. Clearly not one to shy away from controversy, she dismissed the Democrats’ reliance on the discredited Steele dossier, pointing out that it was later proven to be a bunch of baloney.

In a bold move, Greene presented an FBI form, the FD-1023, which allegedly contains unverified evidence of Biden’s corruption. She claims that this document, provided by a trusted FBI informant, accuses then-Vice President Biden of accepting a whopping $5 million bribe from the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. According to Greene, Biden used his position of power to strong-arm the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

To add fuel to the fire, Greene also brought up the controversial conversations between President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, regarding their business dealings. She cited an alleged WhatsApp chat that supposedly shows Hunter discussing an unfulfilled business commitment with his father. The implications of this conversation are pretty damning if true.

What’s even more concerning is the alleged interference and lack of transparency surrounding the investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes. IRS whistleblowers have come forward, claiming that there were deliberate delays, non-transparency, and even threats from the Defense Council to obstruct the investigation. And to top it all off, the Department of Justice apparently refused to investigate a WhatsApp message from Hunter to a Chinese businessman, in which he threatened to unleash his father’s wrath if immediate payments weren’t made.

It’s clear that Greene believes she has uncovered some serious dirt on the Bidens, and she’s not afraid to speak out about it. Whether or not her call for impeachment will gain traction remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure: she’s not backing down. And that is exactly the kind of fierce representation that conservatives need in Congress.

Written by Staff Reports

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