
Murdoch Implores VA’s Youngkin to Consider Presidential Triumph!

It has been reported that Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox News, has decided not to support Ron DeSantis' campaign for governor of Florida and instead is pushing for Glenn Youngkin, the governor of Virginia, to run for the position. According to the reports, he has been encouraging Youngkin to run during multiple meetings in the past couple of months.

It has been revealed that the reason behind the sudden shift is due to Murdoch's belief that re-nominating Donald Trump would be detrimental to the Republican Party. Since he announced his intention to run for president in 2024, Trump has been publicly criticizing the network. He also decided to skip the first Republican presidential debate and instead sat down with Tucker Carlson.

After Fox News withdrew its support for Trump, DeSantis was enjoying the support of the network. However, his recent polling numbers have shown that he is now trailing behind businessman and political newcomer, Vivek Ramaswamy. With the number of people supporting Youngkin, it is believed that the former governor of Virginia will be able to bring a much-needed debate to the race.

It has been reported that many prominent Republican donors are also warming up to the idea of supporting Youngkin's campaign for governor of Florida. One of these is Thomas Peterffy, a billionaire who gave money to DeSantis' campaign. Peterffy is not alone in his enthusiasm for Youngkin's candidacy. Many people believe that his entry into the race would generate a lot of excitement.

It is not yet clear if Youngkin will follow Murdoch's call and run for the position or if DeSantis will be able to regain the support of the Fox News network. Due to the sudden change in the race, it has been speculated that the Republican Party may undergo a major change.

Written by Staff Reports

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