
Museum Rewrites History: Roman Emperor Now a Trans Icon?

The UK museum must have taken a wrong turn down Woke Street because they’ve declared a third-century Roman Emperor, Elagabalus, as a transgender woman. They claim they are being oh-so-sensitive to the pronoun preferences of this ancient ruler, and will now be referring to him as “she.” This, despite the fact that many historians believe the whole thing is just some ancient insult.

The council-run museum in Hitchin is claiming that they’re making this switch based on classical texts that supposedly show Elagabalus asking to be called a “lady” and a “wife.” It’s like they’re playing a game of historical make-believe! The museum is even using female pronouns for displays featuring a silver denarius coin, minted during Elagabalus’ brief reign. Perhaps they should start minting some coins with unicorns on them, too!

Keith Hoskins, the executive member for Enterprise and Arts at North Herts Council, is claiming that Elagabalus identified as a woman and was explicit about which pronouns to use. Seriously, what’s next? Will they start referring to Julius Caesar as a non-binary pineapple?

Some historians are shaking their heads at this whole fiasco, pointing out that the texts about Elagabalus were most likely “insults.” To make matters even more amusing, it’s said that Elagabalus married multiple women just to, wait for it, learn about their bedroom habits. These antics sound more like the plot of a cheesy reality TV show than historical fact.

The museum might be playing with fire here by taking Cassius Dio’s writings at face value, especially since he chronicled Elagabalus’ so-called scandalous behavior. But, as some historians have discovered, Dio actually served the emperor’s successor, suggesting that his accounts were nothing more than character assassination. It’s like believing everything you read in the National Enquirer!

In addition to the wacky gender identity claims, Elagabalus’s reign was also known for some truly bizarre and malicious pranks. Whoopie cushions under unsuspecting diners? Cascades of rose petals dropped on dinner guests? Releasing tamed wild animals into a room where people were sleeping off their hangovers? It sounds like a reality show where the Roman emperors meet Punk’d!

At the end of the day, the real question is: is this museum aiming for historical accuracy or just trying to win an award for being the most politically correct museum of the year? They might want to stick to displaying old pottery and leave the gender politics out of it.

Written by Staff Reports

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