
Musk Agrees to Host Presidential Debate on X After Kennedy’s Request

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has requested Elon Musk, the owner of X, to host a presidential debate on the social media platform. After Kennedy’s request, Musk, a prominent figure in the tech and business world, agreed to the proposition.

Kennedy is now challenging President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump to engage in a debate on the platform, claiming that X is the ideal setting for such discussions. He highlighted the platform’s extensive audience reach, emphasizing that it surpasses traditional media outlets like CNN.

Rumors have circulated that the Biden campaign may have influenced CNN to exclude Kennedy from a forthcoming debate. Meanwhile, Trump has been critical of Kennedy in recent remarks.

A Trump campaign official revealed that Trump has committed to participating in four debates with Biden, including those hosted by Fox News, ABC, NBC/Telemundo, and CNN. Trump has also expressed a willingness to debate Kennedy.

Kennedy has expressed confidence in meeting the necessary criteria to participate in the CNN debate. This includes securing ballot access in enough states to reach 270 electoral votes and meeting a 15% polling requirement.

However, the Biden campaign has not responded to inquiries regarding Kennedy’s participation in the debates.

Musk previously voiced support for Kennedy’s inclusion in the CNN debate, responding to Kennedy’s poll indicating public interest in the involvement of third parties in debates.

According to X, the platform boasts a substantial user base, with over 250 million daily users and 550 million monthly visitors.

In addition to the potential X debate, an ABC debate is scheduled for Sept. 10, but it remains uncertain whether Kennedy will qualify for participation.

Written by Staff Reports

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