
Musk Promises to Scrap Twitter ‘Block’ Feature; User Fury Ignites!

Elon Musk, known for his Twitter antics, caused a stir recently when he mentioned his plan to remove the “block” feature on the platform. In response to a question about blocking versus muting someone, Musk tweeted that the block feature will be deleted, except for direct messages. He later added that the feature makes no sense. While opinions differ on whether muting or blocking is the better option for dealing with trolls and troublemakers, most people agreed that the ability to block abusive users is important.

Some speculate that Musk’s decision may be motivated by his desire to prevent people from blocking ads. It’s believed that blocking ads adds to the server costs for companies like AWS and Google. David Burge, also known as Iowahawkblog, humorously compared Musk’s move to Ford’s attempts to save money on the 1972 Pinto. Stephen L. Miller, a Spectator contributing editor, suggested that Musk’s idea makes more sense when considering that many users already block ads from their timeline.

The announcement sparked backlash from users who rely on the block feature to avoid harassment and spam. Twitter software engineer Aqueel Miqdad attempted to explain the rationale behind the decision, stating that blocking is problematic in some cases and suggesting alternative solutions. However, many users were unconvinced and expressed their frustrations. Some even contemplated leaving Twitter altogether due to the changes.

This decision by Musk has stirred up controversy and raised concerns about the future of blocking and privacy on the platform. It remains to be seen how Twitter will address these concerns and whether users will adapt to the changes or seek alternatives.

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