
NASA’s Moon Return: Astronauts Guzzle “Clean” Pee for Survival!

Space, the final frontier, is tragically a forgotten realm. It seems like nobody cares about exploring the great beyond anymore, even though it used to be something that united us as a society. Back in the day, we had the Space Race, where everyone was pumped up about beating those pesky Russians. And who can forget the solar eclipse of 2017? People were going crazy for it! But now, it’s like space is just a distant memory.

And when we do hear about space these days, it’s usually because of some NASA disaster. The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle programs ring a tragic bell, don’t they? It’s enough to make you wonder if we should just stick to earthly matters.

But hold your horses, folks! There might be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. NASA is talking about going back to the Moon! Can you believe it? We could be exploring space again, and this time, the missions might be even longer. And here’s the kicker – astronauts onboard the International Space Station have figured out a way to recycle their own urine to ensure they have enough water for their needs. Yes, you heard that right. They’re drinking their own pee.

Now, NASA wants us to believe that they’re not actually drinking urine, but rather cleaner-than-Earth-water that has been reclaimed, filtered, and cleaned within an inch of its life. But let’s call a spade a spade here. No matter how you dress it up, it’s still piss. They can add iodine and filter out impurities all they want, but at the end of the day, it’s the liquid from someone’s bladder that they’re chugging down. Yikes!

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather stick to good old-fashioned bottled water. Give me a crisp, refreshing sip of Poland Spring any day over recycled astronaut urine. I mean, it’s a noble scientific achievement and all, but I think I’ll leave space exploration to the professionals. Just keep that pee water away from me, thank you very much!

Written by Staff Reports

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