
Navy JAG Debunks Fake Arrest Claim: MSM’s New Low

The mainstream media is at it again, folks! A fake news story claiming that the U.S. Navy JAG arrested Colorado Supreme Court Justice Richard Gabriel is making rounds on social media. But fear not, loyal patriots, because the truth is here to set the record straight!

So, here’s the scoop: the claim is as false as a donkey wearing a disguise trying to pass as an elephant. The whole hullabaloo originated from some nonsense published by a satire website called “Real Raw News.” You know, the kind of place where facts go to take a vacation and fiction runs amuck.

Now, why would Justice Gabriel be arrested, you ask? Well, according to this tall tale, it was supposedly because of his involvement in trying to kick former President Donald Trump off the Colorado primary ballot. But come on, let’s be real here, folks. Trying to keep Trump out of an election is like trying to keep a cowboy away from his boots – it just ain’t gonna happen!

And get this, the article even goes on to claim that Justice Gabriel’s arrest followed the arrests of his fellow justices. It’s like a bad soap opera script, but with even less credibility! Just a bunch of hogwash meant to rile up folks who don’t know their left hand from their right in the world of politics.

Thank goodness for voices of reason like Patricia Babb from the U.S. Navy JAG Corps, who swiftly shot down this absurd claim faster than a speeding bullet. She made it crystal clear that there was no truth to this wild story. Case closed, folks!

So, the next time you see some outlandish tale making the rounds, remember to take it with a grain of salt bigger than Texas. And always keep a skeptical eye out for those who try to twist the truth for their own agenda. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and above all, stay true to the red, white, and blue!

Written by Staff Reports

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