
Navy Wife Blasts Biden Over Husband’s Unjust Imprisonment!

A military wife is speaking out against President Joe Biden after her husband, U.S. Navy Lt. Ridge Alkonis, was imprisoned abroad and then transferred back to the United States. Lt. Alkonis was released by Japanese authorities after being imprisoned for his involvement in a car crash on Mount Fuji in 2021. However, despite his commanding officer stating that he was not at fault for the deaths and should be allowed to continue his career, Lt. Alkonis is now serving the rest of his sentence in a federal prison in Los Angeles.

During his trial, neurologists from Lt. Alkonis’ defense team argued that the car crash occurred after he experienced Acute Mountain Sickness caused by a rapid change in altitude. The Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan reportedly intervened to secure Lt. Alkonis’ release back to the U.S., but he was immediately booked into a federal prison upon his arrival.

Lt. Alkonis’ wife, Brittany Alkonis, is now accusing the Biden administration of appeasing Japan instead of seeking justice for her husband. In an interview with Fox News, she said that whether or not her husband’s sentence should be commuted is solely up to President Biden’s discretion.

Brittany Alkonis described how she and her children wish they could spend Christmas with Lt. Alkonis and expressed the nightmares her children have had about their father not coming home. She believes it is unacceptable and unnecessary for him to remain in prison and that he could be home if the U.S. government wanted him to be.

Utah Sen. Mike Lee has also spoken out in defense of Lt. Alkonis, condemning the treatment he has received from an allied nation. He argued that Lt. Alkonis is being targeted because he is an American and because of the medical emergency he experienced that resulted in the car crash.


Written by Staff Reports

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