
Near $1 Billion Poured into Liberal Pursuits by Dem’s Shadowy Cash Web in 2022


In a shocking revelation, it has been discovered that a major left-wing dark money network managed to raise a whopping $1.3 billion in 2022. Recent tax documents have exposed Arabella Advisors, a for-profit venture led by Eric Kessler, a Clinton administration veteran, as the mastermind behind this massive influx of funds. Arabella Advisors oversees five left-wing nonprofits: the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the New Venture Fund, the Windward Fund, the Hopewell Fund, and the North Fund. These nonprofits have been using the money to support liberal causes across the country, including climate lawsuits, pro-abortion initiatives, and election-related organizations.

One area where Arabella’s network had a significant impact was in the 2022 midterm elections. Nonprofits under the management of Arabella Advisors poured over $62 million into get-out-the-vote initiatives, voter registration drives, and other voter mobilization efforts. While these groups claim to be nonpartisan, critics argue that they are essentially acting as Democratic pawns. Parker Thayer, an Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center, described them as “a cost-effective way to achieve partisan electioneering results for Democrats while keeping the donors totally anonymous and giving them a tax write-off for their troubles.”

Arabella’s network focused heavily on Michigan during the 2022 elections, pouring $30.1 million into progressive groups in the state. The bulk of this funding went towards supporting two ballot referenda: one to enshrine a right to abortion in the state’s constitution and another to loosen voting laws. Unfortunately for Michigan Republicans, these referenda were successful, resulting in both referenda passing and Democrats gaining control of the state legislature.

Environmental policy was also a target for Arabella’s network in 2022. The New Venture Fund transferred $2.5 million to Sher Edling, a law firm known for collaborating with Democrat-run cities and states to bring climate-related lawsuits against major players in the energy industry. This further demonstrates how the green movement has become intertwined with the Democratic Party, primarily serving as a political and financial arm.

Another disturbing revelation is the connection between Arabella’s network and the Pueblo Action Alliance, a group that promotes dismantling white supremacy, capitalism, and extractive colonialism. The daughter of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Somah Haaland, works as a communications coordinator for this environmental group. It is evident that Arabella’s network is not only influencing policy and elections but also infiltrating government agencies and departments.

Furthermore, Arabella’s network provided financial support to groups involved in an array of controversies. New Venture Fund and Windward Fund, for instance, gave more than $1.5 million to the Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) in 2022. AFGJ serves as the fiscal sponsor for Samidoun, a group that the Israeli government recognizes as a terrorist organization due to its alleged ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Although New Venture Fund and Windward Fund have pledged to stop supporting AFGJ, this incident raises concerns about the network’s connections and the way in which it operates.

The sheer scale of Arabella Advisors’ network and the amount of money it has funneled into liberal causes is cause for alarm. It highlights the growing influence and power of left-wing dark money in American politics. The secretive nature of these transactions, along with the non-transparent flow of funds, allows for shady dealings and the manipulation of elections and policy outcomes. It is crucial for the public and lawmakers to be aware of these activities and work towards greater transparency and accountability in our political system.

Written by Staff Reports

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