
New CA Bill: No Gender Support = Child Abuse?

California has enacted a potentially troublesome legislation, introducing a bill that might compel parents to endorse their children’s gender transitions. This could result in parents who do not support their child’s transgender identity being accused of child abuse under the state law of California.

On May 3, AB 957 was approved by the California State Assembly and revised on June 6, adding an additional layer of obligation to parents’ duties and judicial responsibility. The suggested amendment insists that the court take into account a parent’s support and acknowledgment of their child’s self-identified gender in custody cases. Furthermore, it proposes that if a parent disagrees with the child’s name or gender marker change to confirm the minor’s gender identity, the court should highly consider that affirming the child’s gender identity is in the child’s best interest.

The most alarming part of the proposed bill labels non-affirmation as child abuse. Erin Friday, a San Francisco lawyer, argued, “When you claim that gender affirmation is in the child’s best interest for health, safety, and welfare, it’s a small step to argue that non-affirmation is abuse—because you’re not looking after the health, safety, and welfare if you’re not confirming them.”

The California Capitol Connection has stood against the bill, stating that it forces family courts to dismiss parental objections and support the minor’s appeal, thereby undermining the current law that lets parents oppose their child’s demand for a gender and/or name change on official documents. Parents should maintain ultimate authority in significant decisions involving their children. This bill could potentially invite government intrusion into what should remain personal and private decisions.

The California Parents’ Union emphasized the critical role of judges making impartial and unbiased decisions based on the law and the presented facts, especially when it involves a considerable and possibly life-changing matter. They expressed concern over the contentious issue of modifying a minor’s gender and the potential repercussions that could follow.

Mandating parents to acquiesce to their child’s gender transition could lead to children experiencing confusion and misunderstanding about their sexuality. It could also contribute to family discord, which might ultimately affect the child’s welfare and result in distress. While we should promote an atmosphere of love and respect for all, it is equally vital to uphold structures that encourage traditional family values.

Written by Staff Reports

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