
New Documentary Exposes Horrors Faced by Israeli Victims of Hamas Attacks

A powerful documentary called Screams Before Silence: Bearing Witness to the Violence of October 7th has been produced to shed light on the horrors faced by the victims of the attacks on Israeli towns by Hamas terrorists. The film features personal testimonies, including accounts of rape, mutilation, and killings of innocent men, women, and children. Despite the undeniable evidence presented in the documentary, many human rights groups and international organizations have chosen to ignore these atrocities.

It is concerning that some individuals, including feminists and members of the LGBTQ community, are supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization responsible for heinous crimes. Under Islamic rule, women have limited rights and face severe punishments for not conforming to strict norms. In Muslim regions, members of the LGBTQ community are subjected to violence and even death. The documentary highlights the dangers of aligning with extremist groups like Hamas.

The documentary’s producer, Eytan Schwartz, emphasized the importance of exposing the truth behind Hamas’s actions. He expressed dismay at the lack of attention given to the suffering of the victims and urged viewers to recognize the gravity of the situation. The film serves as a reminder of the ongoing threats faced by Israel and the broader democratic world.

Alan Dershowitz, a legal scholar, criticized groups that have allied themselves with Hamas, despite the organization’s anti-Semitic agenda. He highlighted the hypocrisy of supporting a group that opposes fundamental human rights. The documentary aims to educate the public about the atrocities committed by Hamas and challenge those who deny or downplay the severity of these crimes.

As calls for genocide against the Jewish population grow on college campuses and social media, it is vital to address the misinformation and falsehoods perpetuated by Hamas sympathizers. The documentary serves as a crucial tool in countering these narratives and amplifying the voices of the victims. It is a call to action for all individuals to stand against terrorism and support the truth.

In conclusion, Screams Before Silence is a poignant reminder of the inhumanity inflicted by Hamas and the importance of standing up against such atrocities. By watching and sharing this documentary, individuals can ensure that the victims are not forgotten and that justice is served. It is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of evil.

Written by Staff Reports

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