
New Evidence Links Joe Biden to Hunter’s Chinese Business Deals During 2013 Trip

New evidence has come out revealing that in 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden’s business partners from China during a trip to China, during which Hunter Biden flew with him on Air Force Two, according to a report from Just the News. Millions of documents collected by the FBI during a criminal investigation in 2015 and 2016 have now been obtained by the House Oversight Committee. These documents indicate that Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partners did indeed meet with the vice president.

In the documents, Hunter Biden wrote, “They got to meet Dad” in reference to his father’s meeting with the Chinese business partners. President Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s business dealings. The emails from 2013 also suggest that the vice president had a positive view of Chinese President Xi Jinping, with Hunter Biden writing, “I think they are in love with each other. They almost kissed on departure.”

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky said, “The only reason Joe Biden wanted to kiss President Xi was because state-affiliated companies were about to line his family’s pockets with foreign wires and lucrative business opportunities.” He added, “This is another example of the same formula demonstrated through our Committee’s investigation into the Biden Family’s influence peddling operation: Hunter Biden sets up meetings with the foreign businessman, Joe Biden meets them at Hunter’s direction, and the Biden family receives substantial payments in return. Rinse and repeat.”

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who initiated a Senate probe into Hunter Biden before the 2020 election, expressed his suspicions regarding the FBI and the Department of Justice potentially protecting Hunter and Joe Biden. He stated, “I was always suspicious that the FBI, the Department of Justice had walled Hunter Biden off of that Indian fraud prosecution to protect him and protect Joe Biden. I think that was maybe the first sign of corruption way back in 2013.”

The newly revealed emails also show that Hunter Biden confirmed to his associate that the Bidens had indeed met a Chinese-based partner. This latest revelation has sparked concern among conservatives about the potential conflict of interest and influence peddling within the Biden family.

Written by Staff Reports

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