
New Revelations From Hunter Biden’s Laptop Tangle Kamala Harris and Beau Biden Fundraising

Another day, another treasure trove of revelations unearthed from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which, at this point, could probably be classified as a national archaeological site for political scandals. The latest find comes care of the New York Post, uncovering what appears to be a convoluted web of campaign finance maneuverings linked to none other than Kamala Harris, alongside the ghostly echoes of her late colleague, Beau Biden. The scenario presents a clear case of all manner of shenanigans likely being in full swing between Harris’ camp and Beau’s fundraising team back in the 2016 era.

At the time, Kamala Harris, then California’s attorney general, was in desperate need of support as she launched her Senate bid. Amid concerns within the Biden camp about her readiness for prime time, a curious outreach to Beau Biden’s top political adviser, Josh Alcorn, laid the groundwork for an unusual transaction. Emails suggest that Harris’ campaign sought access to donor lists from the Beau Biden Foundation and was even willing to fork over $1,000 for the privilege. Experts point out that such transactions might run afoul of slick IRS regulations. After all, campaign funds diverted into supposedly charitable nonprofit organizations create a giant red flag that even the most ardent campaign finance lawyers would raise an eyebrow at.

This whole episode underscores the lengths to which the Democratic machine is willing to go to wield power and influence. The request for donor lists, especially coming from a campaign led by people cozying up to the Biden family, raises questions about coordination that are anything but encouraging. Emails and correspondence reveal that the agreed-upon payment for the lists would conveniently find its way back to the Beau Biden Foundation; an organization destined to stay above the muddy waters of political maneuvering. However, those who understand the rules of the Federal Election Commission know that charitable organizations are forbidden from being involved in political activities—or primary fundraising, either directly or indirectly.

Decoding this situation reveals layers of potential illegality that would make a typical mobster proud. When evaluating whether a campaign can play footsie with a charity, the FEC’s rules set strict boundaries. Providing compensation for donor lists to secure campaign support is, on its face, a shady business, but when that compensation flows through a charity, it skates on even thinner ice. A former FEC chairman elaborates on this matter, suggesting that if Harris’ camp received more in value than they paid for through these means, it could spell trouble. Though Harris may have gained access to a valuable asset, this could easily morph into an illegal corporate contribution masquerading as a benign transaction. 


Yet while this makes for captivating reading, don’t expect any inquiries or down-to-the-wire investigations from the legacy media or government agencies who stand guard over the swampy underbelly of partisan politics. The idea that the FEC would dive into such murky waters and bring any semblance of accountability to those with connections to power is as far-fetched as believing the tooth fairy will leave cash under the pillow. Thus, the daily grind continues: while Hunter’s laptop serves up a veritable feast of scandals, pertinent questions evade media scrutiny faster than a politician changes their tune.

As this storyline unfolds, one thing is certain: the saga of Hunter Biden’s laptop continues to be a reliable source of fodder for those interested in exposing the underhanded dealings of political elites. An everyday American can’t help but wonder how long this game of partisan chess will persist without consequence for those involved, while the common citizen faces the brunt of policy decisions made in the shadows. Perhaps one day, true accountability will emerge from this farce—until then, the drama continues to captivate and bemuse.

Written by Staff Reports

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