
Newsom Nixes Controversial Transgender Custody Bill — Is He Now a Moderate?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, the progressive poster boy, surprised everyone by vetoing a bill that would have allowed judges to consider parental support for a child’s gender transition in custody battles. I mean, who saw that coming? As I’ve said before, Newsom loves to play the “moderate” card whenever it suits his political ambitions. This is just another example of him trying to appeal to a broader audience for his potential national run.

In his veto message, Newsom claimed that California courts already have the power to consider parental support for a child’s gender transition. But we all know that’s just a smokescreen. The real reason he vetoed this bill is because he’s scared of the backlash from conservatives in other states. Heaven forbid we set a legal precedent that actually protects parental rights and ensures the welfare of children. It’s much easier for Newsom to maintain his liberal persona while throwing a bone to the radical left.

And let’s not forget that Newsom loves to virtue signal to the LGBTQ+ community whenever he gets the chance. Just a day after vetoing the bill, he proudly proclaimed that he was signing other legislation to support LGBTQ+ Californians. It’s all about maintaining his progressive credentials, folks.

But what’s really troubling is Newsom’s ongoing crusade against parental notification policies in school districts. He dismisses any concerns about schools hiding gender transitions as “misinformation” and accuses worried parents of being “ginned up.” It’s clear that Newsom’s priority is pushing the radical agenda of the LGBTQ+ activists, even if it means trampling on parental rights and disregarding the concerns of ordinary Californians.

In the end, this veto is just another example of Newsom’s political opportunism. He’ll say and do whatever it takes to advance his own career, even if it means abandoning the rights of parents and the well-being of children. It’s time for Californians to wake up and see through his act.

Written by Staff Reports

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