
Newsom Slyly Skirts When Grilled on Abortion Restrictions!

In a recent interview, California Gov. Gavin Newsom showed his true colors when he expertly evaded a question about his stance on abortion. It all went down during a talk with CNN’s Dana Bash, who inquired about Newsom’s thoughts on former President Donald Trump’s claim that Democrats support abortion even after the baby is born. Newsom swerved the question like a pro, leaving Bash and the viewers hanging.

Bash brought up California’s abortion law, which allows the procedure up until viability, around 24 weeks. She then asked Newsom if he personally supported this law. Instead of giving a straight answer, Newsom pointed out that it was already in statute and mentioned some constitutional amendment on the topic. Talk about dodging the question.

It’s clear that Newsom didn’t want to commit to a position on abortion. He deflected by accusing Trump and conservatives of using extreme examples to push their agenda, claiming that no one promotes late-term abortions. Well, Newsom, we all know that’s not true. The Democratic Party’s position on abortion speaks for itself, and it’s not pretty.

So why does Newsom refuse to take a stand? Is he afraid of alienating his liberal base? Or is he just trying to play both sides of the aisle? Whatever the reason, it’s disappointing to see a politician dodge a question that deserves a clear and decisive answer.

This interview just adds to the growing list of Democrats who avoid talking about limits on abortion. Vice President Kamala Harris has also been guilty of side stepping the issue. If Democrats truly believe in their position on abortion, they should have no problem being upfront about it. But it seems that they are more concerned with political posturing than with addressing the concerns of the American people.

It’s time for politicians, like Newsom and Harris, to stop evading the question and start taking a stance. The American people deserve to know where their elected officials stand on important issues like abortion. Dodging the question only further erodes trust in our leaders and leaves us wondering what they are hiding.

Written by Staff Reports

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