
North Carolina Bill Seeks to Limit Voting Rights to US Citizens Only

A proposal to amend the North Carolina Constitution has been put forward by Rep. Destin Hall, R-Caldwell, who wants to ensure that only U.S. citizens are able to vote in the state’s elections. The bill, known as House Bill 1074, aims to tighten election laws to guarantee that only citizens of the United States have the privilege of voting. This effort is intended to safeguard the integrity of elections and ensure that those who help shape the country’s future are personally invested in its well-being.

The proposed amendment would modify Section 1 of Article VI of the North Carolina Constitution to explicitly state that only a citizen of the United States is eligible to vote. Currently, the section allows every person born in the United States and every naturalized person to vote. This change comes at a time when the country’s borders are experiencing increased influx of people from various nations, leading to an estimated 11 million individuals being in the country illegally since President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021.

According to Rep. Hall, the move to prevent noncitizens from voting in elections is crucial in maintaining national sovereignty and preventing foreign influence from impacting American elections. Additionally, House Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, emphasized that this proposed amendment would bolster the integrity of elections in North Carolina.

This effort to secure election integrity aligns with a federal proposal that recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives with a vote of 206-202. The bill, authored by U.S. Rep. Chuck Edwards, R-N.C., aimed to require that only U.S. citizens be counted for apportionment in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Electoral College. This legislation received support solely from Republicans, highlighting the bipartisan concern for safeguarding the integrity of elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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