
NRA Clout Surges Post School Shootings, Defiance Fuels Donations

In a recent study published by Science Advances, it was revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association (NRA) have been skyrocketing in the counties where tragic school shootings have taken place. The study found that following these heart-wrenching incidents, NRA donation money has surged by a whopping 30% on average, with the number of generous NRA donors spiking by an incredible 40% in the affected counties.

As usual, when things heat up, Trump’s legal challenges are swarming the headlines, but let’s stay focused here. It’s like when the cookie jar is threatened, everyone rallies together to protect it. John Lott, the President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, pointed out that it’s just common sense for folks to want to safeguard their ability to protect their loved ones after a tragedy strikes. 

Tobias Roemer, a Ph.D. candidate at Nuffield College, Oxford University, led the charge on this study and shed some light on the behavior of gun rights supporters in the aftermath of these school shootings. He found that the pro-gun political right’s response after these tragedies tends to last longer than the efforts from gun control movements. It’s like the tortoise and the hare – slow and steady wins the race. The anti-gun campaign can’t seem to keep up, running out of steam quicker than a sugar-high toddler.

But wait, there’s more! The study also uncovered that not only are NRA donations soaring, but there’s also an increase in non-electoral political participation by the political Right after these tragic events. It’s like a rally cry for all those patriots out there who refuse to let their Second Amendment rights be trampled on. 

Surprisingly (or maybe not), the study also found that the states with the biggest surge in NRA donations and pro-gun mobilization also happen to have the most relaxed gun regulations in the country. 

NRA spokesman, Billy McLaughlin, emphasized that these tragedies serve as a sharp reminder of the significance of self-defense and the fragility of life. This surge in support for the Second Amendment is a clear indication that Americans hold their self-defense rights in high regard.


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