
NRA Fights Biden’s ATF on Unjust Pistol Rule – Veterans Suffer

Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is finding themselves in hot water, and it’s all thanks to everyone’s favorite defenders of the Second Amendment, the National Rifle Association (NRA). Yup, you heard that right! The NRA has filed a lawsuit against the ATF, and they mean business.

This legal battle is all about a pesky little rule that the ATF came up with. Apparently, they think it’s a good idea to regulate stabilizing braces for pistols. Now, why would they go and do something like that? Well, according to the NRA, this new rule unfairly targets law-abiding gun owners and threatens them with penalties, fines, and even prison time. Can you believe it?

Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s Executive Vice President & CEO, is not one to mince words. He called out the ATF and the Department of Justice for their “arbitrary and unconstitutional rule.” And you know what? He’s right! It’s just another example of the Biden administration trampling all over our freedoms and treating law-abiding citizens like criminals.

Let’s talk about these stabilizing braces for a moment. They’re basically accessories that help disabled veterans (heroes who sacrificed for our country!) and others aim and fire pistols with one hand. It’s a game-changer for those who have served this great nation. But what does Joe Biden’s administration do? They classify these pistols as “short-barreled rifles” and slap on a bunch of regulations. Talk about a slap in the face to our veterans!

It’s absolutely outrageous that Biden is more interested in defending his deadbeat son, Hunter Biden, than standing up for disabled veterans. I mean, seriously? He’s willing to bend over backward to protect his own family, but when it comes to showing a little grace to those who fought for our freedom, he’s nowhere to be found. It’s shameful.

But fear not, my fellow conservatives, because the NRA is on the case! They’re confident that this rule is downright unconstitutional, and they’re fighting tooth and nail for the rights of their law-abiding members. William A. Brewer III, the NRA’s counsel, is committed to ensuring that their members are free from the threat of this unjust rule.

So, let’s stand with the NRA and demand that Joe Biden and his ATF back off. Our veterans deserve better, and it’s high time we put an end to this nonsense. We’ll prevail, just like we always do, and protect our constitutional freedoms. Stay strong, America!

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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