
NY Leftists’ Witch Hunt Targets Trump Biz With No Victims!

Former President Donald Trump is once again under fire from political opponents who just can’t seem to accept that he’s no longer in office. The radical left in New York is pushing for the dissolution of his successful business empire, claiming that he misled lenders on financial statements. But the truth is, there are no clear victims and no significant losses – pretty important factors before you ruin someone’s livelihood!

According to reports, only about a dozen civil cases in the last 70 years have faced such severe consequences. But here’s the kicker: Trump’s case is entirely unique because there are no major losses and no clear victims. The ridiculousness of this situation is mind-boggling. In fact, legal experts are scratching their heads, wondering if this is just a politically charged attack on a successful businessman.

The left-wing attorney general in New York is trying to use a vague anti-fraud law to take down Trump’s businesses, even though there’s no evidence of any actual harm. It’s like they’re playing a game of “gotcha” with the former president, and it’s a dangerous game to play. The precedent set by punishing Trump without any proof of wrongdoing could crush businesses in the future. Is this really the path we want to go down?

And get this – in a study of 150 cases, almost all the ones that faced dissolution involved significant losses and clear victims. The only exception was a small business that wrote college essays and was closed down over concerns about the “integrity of the educational process” back in 1972. It’s a bit of a stretch to compare that to Trump’s massive, successful business empire, isn’t it?

It’s clear that the radical left in New York is trying to make an example out of Trump, and it’s all just a ploy to take him down. The judge in the case has already ruled that Trump committed business fraud, but it’s crucial to remember that this is the same judge who allowed his bias to show by partially siding with the left-wing attorney general’s extreme recommendations.

The truth will come out in the end, but for now, it’s important to see through this politically motivated attack and stand up for the rights of successful business leaders like Trump. The radical left may think they’re winning, but the American people see right through their charade.

Written by Staff Reports

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