
NY Nanny State Mandates Chick-fil-A Betray Values for Sunday Sales!

In a move that has stirred the ire of freedom-loving Americans, the state of New York is attempting to compel Chick-fil-A to open its doors on Sundays. Remarkably, the same government struggling to maintain its subway system now seeks to dictate the operational hours of a thriving fast-food chain. The audacity!

As reported by CNN Newsource, certain politicians in the New York State Assembly have introduced a bill demanding that specific Chick-fil-A establishments open on Sundays. They brazenly label the restaurant's decision to close on Sundays as "inappropriate" and a "disservice." Since when did the government assume the role of the fast-food police?


The bill, co-sponsored by Democratic Assemblywomen Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, Anna R. Kelles, and MaryJane Shimsky, insists that food services at transportation facilities and rest areas owned and operated by certain public authorities must operate seven days a week. One wonders why these lawmakers find it necessary to meddle in the affairs of a private business when there are undoubtedly more pressing matters at hand.

The Assembly website's page dedicated to the bill specifically singles out Chick-fil-A, asserting that their Sunday closures constitute a "disservice and unnecessary inconvenience to travelers." Such a claim seems exaggerated, considering the abundance of alternative fast-food options available in New York. If someone craves a chicken sandwich on a Sunday, numerous alternatives exist!

To compound the overreach, the bill also aspires to extend its influence to facilities operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, contingent on New Jersey passing a similar bill. This attempt to propagate such regulations across state lines only intensifies the perceived overreach.

Chick-fil-A has maintained its tradition of Sunday closures since 1946, woven into the fabric of its corporate culture. However, power-hungry politicians seem determined to impose their will on how a company should conduct its business. This intrusion on freedom is un-American, an affront to individual liberties, and fundamentally preposterous. Let Chick-fil-A continue to be Chick-fil-A!

Written by Staff Reports

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