
NY Times Exposes Bias: SCOTUS Ruling “Whiter,” Admissions Race War Ignited!

The liberal media’s outrage over the Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action is all too predictable. From Joe Biden to the mainstream press, they are throwing a tantrum because their beloved race-based college admissions schemes have been effectively struck down. But perhaps the most revealing reaction comes from none other than the New York Times, the so-called “paper of record” that is anything but impartial.

In a breaking news tweet, the New York Times let the “quiet part” slip out, revealing their true agenda. They claimed that the Supreme Court’s decision would make elite institutions “whiter and more Asian and less Black and Latino.” This baseless claim is nothing more than a desperate attempt to push their own racially divisive narrative and play the victim card. It’s appalling to see the alleged intellectual elites at the New York Times stoop to such pathetic fearmongering.

It’s no surprise that the New York Times’ newsroom is filled with woke ideologues who are willing to promote their own racist beliefs under the guise of progressivism. As lawyer and YouTuber Viva Frei pointed out, the New York Times is explicitly stating that blacks and Latinos are intellectually inferior to whites and Asians. This is the true face of racism, the soft bigotry of low expectations. So much for the New York Times’ claims of advocating for equality and justice.

It’s time for the American people to hold these leftist institutions accountable. Whether it’s voting out politicians who promote divisive policies or canceling subscriptions to biased news outlets like the New York Times, we must send a strong message that we will not tolerate their agenda-driven propaganda. It’s clear that losing support and money, along with a tarnished reputation, is the only way to get their attention.

In an ideal world, the New York Times would have praised the Supreme Court’s decision, recognizing that it upholds the Constitution by judging applicants based on merit and character rather than skin color. But we don’t live in an ideal world, and it’s up to conservative voices to speak out against the mainstream media’s lies and hold them accountable for their biased reporting.

The Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action is a victory for equality and meritocracy. By striking down race-based college admissions, we are one step closer to a society where individuals are judged on their abilities, not the color of their skin. It’s time for the left to stop playing the victim and start embracing true equality.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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