
NY Times Stumbles with Hilarious Biden Age ‘Asset’ Claim: Reality Bites Back!

The New York Times recently published an article titled “Now Is the Moment for Biden’s Age to Be an Asset.” Well, that’s a laugh! It’s hard to argue that Biden’s age is an asset when he can barely put a coherent sentence together. Even Scott Pelley from “60 Minutes” had to admit that Biden seemed “tired” and incapable of “directing” anything. The fact is, Biden is a mess, and no amount of spin can change that.

The article by Lydia Polgreen goes on to criticize former President George W. Bush’s stance on Israel, while praising Biden as “older and wiser.” Now, this is where things get really funny. Bush, despite his faults, had some experience in foreign affairs. But Biden? Well, his only qualification seems to be a long history of getting things wrong. Bush led us into some tough times, but Biden ended the war in Iraq? Give me a break.

According to Polgreen, Biden’s age, experience, and willingness to speak uncomfortable truths are strengths. But let’s be real here. Biden’s problem isn’t that he speaks too freely, it’s that he’s incoherent, incompetent, and has been wrong about everything since he entered office in 1973. And Polgreen’s example to prove her point only makes things worse. Biden’s meeting with Golda Meir in 1973 was important, sure, but let’s not forget that he was wrong about the situation at that time. He was spreading Egyptian disinformation and didn’t even realize it.

So, no, Biden is not a “wise old man.” He’s a career politician who has been getting things wrong for 50 years. And trying to argue that his age and experience are assets is just laughable. We deserve a president who is actually coherent and competent, not someone who needs to be prompted and finished sentences for. But I guess that’s just too much to ask for these days.

Written by Staff Reports

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