
NYC Mayor Adams Cuts Rug to DC, Begs Biden for Cash Bailout

New York City Mayor Eric Adams had a last-minute change of plans as he boogied on down to Washington, D.C., to meet with those White House officials and hash out what the heck to do about their migrant crisis. Instead of just chatting it up with the Democratic bigwigs as planned, Adams was suddenly scheduled to have a sit-down with the Biden administration at 5:15 p.m. Talk about shaking things up!

It wasn’t just any old chit-chat, though. They were gonna get down to brass tacks and talk cold, hard cash. Adams was all like, “Yo, we need some financial help over here, like, yesterday.” This guy is lookin’ at a price tag of $12 billion by 2025 if things don’t change – yikes! And who’s gonna foot that hefty bill? Yeah, you guessed it, the good ol’ hardworking taxpayers who already have enough on their plate. It’s like the city’s pockets are leakin’ cash faster than a sieve.

But before he hunkered down for some serious talkin’, Adams made sure to work in a little schmooze sesh at the White House’s national menorah lighting ceremony. The dude’s all about the sparkle and shine, and he took to the Twittersphere to let everyone know how proud he was to be rubbing elbows at the fancy affair. “There’s always light in the darkness,” he declared, and boy, did he need some light after all that heavy talk about the city’s financial woes.

This visit to the nation’s capital comes hot on the heels of Adams hightailin’ it outta Washington back in November when the FBI came knockin’ about his campaign. Talk about boltin’ when the going gets tough! But hey, a little FBI inquiry ain’t gonna stop this guy from coming back to beg for some much-needed moolah for his city.

Meanwhile, the White House is talkin’ a big game about helpin’ out those sanctuary cities, but when it comes down to it, they’re only coughing up $1.4 billion. Sounds like they’re happy to talk the talk, but walkin’ the walk? Not so much. Classic politicians, am I right?

Written by Staff Reports

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