
NYC Mayor Spills the Beans on City’s Shocking Illegal Alien Crisis!

In a surprising turn of events, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has finally come clean about the overwhelming influx of illegal aliens into the city. While the evidence has been apparent for months, Mayor Adams has now stated that the city cannot continue to accept 10,000 illegals per month. He warned residents that the New York City they once knew is on the verge of being lost. It’s about time someone acknowledged that this illegal alien invasion would inevitably lead to the destruction of the city.

It’s not entirely shocking that a Democrat would try to keep this issue under wraps. After all, they have already implemented sanctuary city policies, effectively codifying portions of this agenda into law. But Mayor Adams’ admission makes it clear that the situation has spiraled out of control. The Democrats may have wanted this, or at least some of them did, until these migrants started flooding schools, parks, and various other city services, leaving no space for locals. It’s no wonder that New York City residents are fed up.

Chicago is facing a similar predicament, as the city council recently approved a staggering $50 million allocation to help house their own influx of illegal aliens. This decision has understandably ignited anger among local residents. However, the tide may be turning, thanks to Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, who have been transporting these individuals to Democrat-run localities. New York City, being a sanctuary city, should have welcomed these individuals with open arms. They even launched the ‘We Love Immigrant NYC’ campaign in April. But the drastic cost of $12 billion has made that support wither away, along with the mayor’s passionate statements about this ongoing crisis.

Now, Governor Kathy Hochul is desperately pleading with the Biden administration to provide assistance in removing the illegal aliens from her state. Mayor Adams also calls for more help, but sadly, it seems their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. It appears that these Democrat officials are finally starting to understand what border towns have been dealing with for over two decades. Welcome to the party, guys. The bottom line is that, regardless of the uproar Mayor Adams has caused over the illegal immigration invasion, which is undeniably accurate, the Democrats voted for this, and they are the ones who must live with the consequences.

Written by Staff Reports

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