
Obama’s Film Faves Flap: Self-Promotion Over Cinema Excellence?

Former President Barack Obama has once again found himself in the spotlight, but this time it wasn’t for his politics or policies – it was for his taste in films. Obama took to social media to share a list of his favorite movies of 2023, and boy, did it rub some people the wrong way.

In his post, Obama included three films that were produced by none other than himself and his wife, former first lady Michelle Obama. Talk about shameless self-promotion! 

Not only did Obama include his own productions on the list, but he also failed to recognize Greta Gerwig’s commercial success “Barbie,” which many felt was a major snub. It seems like Obama might need to take a step back and reevaluate his movie choices, considering the backlash he received.

The former president’s post went viral, and he was bombarded with a slew of criticism and mockery. People couldn’t help but point out the audacity of listing his own films as his top three favorites. The Twitterverse was absolutely ruthless, with some users calling him out for having no taste and others accusing him of being a narcissist. 

It’s clear that Obama’s attempt to share his love of movies backfired big time. The backlash he faced further proves that his legacy is steeped in division and self-promotion. Perhaps it’s time for Obama to take a break from the spotlight and let someone else have their moment in the sun.

At least Obama’s list of favorite films didn’t cause as much outrage as his policies did during his time in office. Maybe he should stick to politics and leave the movie reviews to the professionals.

Written by Staff Reports

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