
Ogles & Cruz Crush Biden’s Pronoun Policing!

In a bold move to defend honest speech, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are taking a stand against the woke, delusional agenda of the Biden regime. These conservative warriors aren’t backing down as they lead the charge with the Safeguarding Honest Speech Act, a bill that would protect federal employees and contractors from being forced to use so-called “preferred pronouns.”

The Department of Health and Human Services recently issued guidance that requires employees to address each other using their self-identified pronouns. Can you believe it? The radical Left is literally trying to control how we speak! Ogles condemned this insane overreach, asking, “Can you imagine getting reprimanded or fired from your job for not using an individual’s ‘preferred pronouns’?” It’s absolutely bonkers!

But fear not, freedom fighters, because Ogles and Cruz have come to the rescue with their bill, which aims to block any funds from being used to enforce these absurd pronoun rules. They refuse to let the government coerce speech or impose a delusional woke agenda on hard-working Americans.

The use of “preferred pronouns” has been a hot topic in recent years, with transgender and nonbinary individuals seeking to use pronouns that align with their gender identity. However, the Republican party has consistently taken a stand against this radical gender ideology, citing concerns about the usage of “preferred pronouns” on public documents and in the workplace. They’ve even made it tougher for people to transition genders, all in the name of defending biological reality.

Sen. Ted Cruz, always quick with a memorable quote, declared that forcing anyone to use pronouns that don’t match their biological sex is a clear violation of the First Amendment. He’s absolutely right! The government has no business dictating what language we use, and Cruz won’t stand for it.

The Safeguarding Honest Speech Act has already garnered support from other fierce conservative voices, including Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Eli Crane (R-AZ), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Andy Harris (R-MD), and Mary Miller (R-IL). With these allies by their side, Ogles and Cruz are ready to take on the woke Left and defend the constitutional right to speak truthfully and freely.

Written by Staff Reports

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