
Oliver Anthony Shatters Illusions, Denies Backing Biden!

Virginia-based songwriter Oliver Anthony has spoken out against claims that he supports President Biden, after his hit single “Rich Men North Of Richmond” was included in the GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee. In a YouTube video, Anthony humorously shared his thoughts on seeing his song played at the debate, stating, “It cracks me up to see those people sitting there and listening to my song about them.” However, he clarified that his song was not specifically about Joe Biden, but about the politicians on that stage and the wider system as a whole.

Predictably, the “corporate news” outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post seized on Anthony’s statement and twisted it to claim that he supports Biden. Both conservatives and leftists jumped into the debate, interpreting his words in different ways. Anthony then took to Facebook to set the record straight, clearly stating that he does not support Joe Biden.

In his Facebook post, Anthony explained that his reference to Biden was in response to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ comment that the song resonates with Americans due to the problems caused by Biden’s policies. While acknowledging Biden’s contribution to the issues, Anthony emphasized that his song criticizes the entire system, including the corporate-owned conservative politicians who were on stage that night.

It is unfortunate that the “corporate news” is once again trying to twist someone’s words to fit their own narrative. Oliver Anthony’s song is a powerful critique of the entire political establishment, not just Joe Biden. It is refreshing to see an artist who speaks their mind and refuses to be manipulated by the media. Let’s hope more musicians follow in Anthony’s footsteps and challenge the status quo.

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