
O’Reilly Reveals Biden Family Torn Over 2024 Run Amid Dismal Debate Performance

Bill O’Reilly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea after his dramatic exit from Fox News, but his recent conversation with Glenn Beck has perked up a few ears. According to O’Reilly, the Biden family and a host of advisers have been locked in discussions about the 2024 election. All of this comes in the aftermath of what was a devastating debate for Biden against Donald Trump, who bulldozed Biden with such ease it was like watching a tank run over a tricycle.

At Camp David, the family conclave ended with Joe being nudged by his motley crew of close advisers and his all-too-eager family to keep running. One can’t forget the ever-ambitious Jill, channeling Lady Macbeth at every turn, clinging to power with a vice grip. Then there’s Hunter, who relies on the old man staying in office to keep his tangled web of shady deals and government favors in play. With Hunter’s growing pile of legal troubles, it’s no surprise he’s desperate for another term under the Biden umbrella.

Adding fuel to the fire, O’Reilly shared that not everyone at Camp David was chanting “four more years.” Notably, former President Barack Obama and former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain were allegedly part of a small but vocal faction arguing for Biden to step aside. Their assessment of Biden’s chances was brutal; staying in the race was likened to some form of masochistic assist for the opposition.

It’s not shocking to hear Obama might be less than enthusiastic about Biden. Publicly, he’s supportive, but behind closed doors, Obama had doubts about Biden’s capabilities even back in 2020. He’s been known to caution fellow Democrats against underestimating Joe’s knack for monumental mistakes. The track record speaks for itself: Biden’s presidency has been a series of calamitous gaffes and mishandlings, adding evidence to Obama’s reservations.

While Biden insists on trudging forward, his dismal approval ratings ensure that speculation about his replacement will persist right up until the nomination is sealed. Democrats are left scrambling, unable to sugarcoat the glaring issues of age and cognitive decline. Accept it or not, this is the candidate they’re stuck with, and the Left should start bracing for the inevitable turbulence ahead.

Written by Staff Reports

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