
Oversight Blitz Exposes Biden’s $24M Global Cash Bonanza

The House Oversight Committee finally dropped the hammer on President Biden, and boy, did they uncover some juicy info. The Republicans wasted no time sharing their findings, and let’s just say, it’s not looking good for ol’ Joe. According to their investigation, the Bidens and their buddies managed to rake in a mind-boggling $24 million from countries like China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania between 2015 and 2019. That’s a whole lot of cash flow, folks.

But wait, it gets even more scandalous. The shady dealings didn’t stop there. According to former Hunter business partner, Devon Archer, Papa Biden himself was in on the action, chatting it up with his son’s associates, wining and dining with foreign bigwigs, and even receiving some hefty wire transfers, including a cool $250,000 from China. And that’s not all – he also pocketed a sweet $40,000 from our friends across the Pacific. It’s like a never-ending episode of “The Real Housewives of Delaware,” but way more corrupt.

As if that wasn’t enough, documents from IRS whistleblowers spilled the tea on Biden’s involvement with a CCP-linked energy company that wanted to take over the U.S. energy sector. And get this – the man even used pseudonym email addresses to communicate with his son’s shady associates. It’s like he’s out here playing spy games or something. And don’t even get started on the classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center – major holes in the Biden camp’s story.

The committee wrapped up their investigation with a promise to keep Biden’s feet to the fire for his “corruption.” Well, well, well, looks like the heat is on, and things are about to get real spicy in Washington. You best believe the GOP isn’t about to let this one slide. It’s like Christmas came early for the Republicans, and they’ve unwrapped a big ol’ present of Biden family shadiness. Grab the popcorn, folks, ’cause this show is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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