According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, more than 70% of independent registered voters believe President Joe Biden is too elderly for office.
Fifty-three percent of registered voters questioned Biden’s mental capacity, and 62 percent said Biden is demonstrating that he is too elderly to be president.
Nineteen percent of Democrats, 83 percent of Republicans, and 61% of independents are skeptical of his mental capacity. He is too elderly for the presidency, according to 29% of Democrats, 88 percent of Republicans, and 72% of independents.
Biden is too elderly, according to 57% of Hispanic voters, 50% of black voters, and 67 percent of white voters.
The survey of 1,963 registered voters was conducted online on May 18-19.
A majority of people are concerned about an upcoming recession, with 36% saying the country is presently in one and 49% forecasting the United States will be in one next year. Only 16% believe the United States can avoid a recession.
Former President Donald Trump is also the Republican and independent voters’ favorite candidate for the 2024 presidential election, with 41% of the vote. Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida, is in second place with 12% of the vote. Biden is the Democratic Party’s top contender, with 23% of the vote, and Vice President Kamala Harris is in second place with 9%.
Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders were voted the most popular politicians, with approval ratings of 44 percent, 40 percent, and 41 percent, respectively.
The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Daily Caller.