
Pastor Praises Trump in Detroit Roundtable Slams Biden Obama for Neglect

Former President Donald Trump received praise from Pastor Lorenzo Sewell during a roundtable discussion in Detroit, where the pastor also criticized President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama. Sewell expressed gratitude for Trump’s visit to the neighborhood, highlighting that neither Obama nor Biden had made similar efforts. The pastor’s support for Trump reflects a growing trend of African American voters showing interest in the 45th president.

At the discussion moderated by Rep. Byron Donalds, Trump addressed concerns about inflation, border security, and rising crime rates in the country. He pledged to take action to reduce crime, particularly in cities like Detroit, and emphasized the importance of restoring law and order in the nation.

Trump’s promise to tackle crime comes as FBI data shows an increase in violent crime in Michigan from 2020 to 2021. Detroit, in particular, has been grappling with high crime rates, with a recent poll indicating that a majority of residents feel unsafe and believe that more police presence is necessary to improve safety.

During the discussion, Trump criticized the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which was sponsored by then-Senator Biden. Critics have pointed to the legislation as a contributing factor to mass incarceration in the United States. While Biden has acknowledged the mistake of supporting the bill, Trump continued to highlight the negative impact of the legislation.

In contrast, Biden’s visit to Detroit focused on criticizing Trump’s perceived divisiveness, rather than offering specific plans for addressing the concerns of the black community. Sewell, who had appeared on Fox & Friends First, commended Trump for his efforts to support the black community through initiatives like the Platinum Plan, which allocated $500 billion for Black businesses and churches nationwide. With African American support for Trump growing, it is evident that the former president’s outreach efforts are resonating with some voters.

Written by Staff Reports

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