
Patriotic Backlash: Ben & Jerry’s Faces Billion-Dollar Bloodbath After Anti-US Tweet

Unilever, the parent company of Ben & Jerry’s, has taken a massive hit to its stock price, losing nearly $2 billion in value. And what caused this steep decline? Well, it all started with a little tweet that Ben & Jerry’s put out on the 4th of July.

In this tweet, they called for the return of “stolen Indigenous land” by the United States to Native American tribes. Oh boy, did that ruffle some feathers! The tweet boldly declared, “This 4th of July, it’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.” Talk about a controversial take on our nation’s birthday.

Now, Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch company, and Ben & Jerry’s is technically still able to voice its own political opinions. But let’s just say the market didn’t take too kindly to these views. Unilever’s market cap dropped a whopping $2 billion. Ouch! That’s a punch right in the ice cream cone.

Conservative-leaning media outlets wasted no time in celebrating this economic blow to Ben & Jerry’s. Citizen Free Press on Twitter couldn’t help but jeer, saying, “Eat that, Ben and Jerry’s!” They even shared a screenshot from Fox News showing the declining numbers in Unilever’s market value. It’s safe to say that the sweet taste of victory is in the air for these conservatives.

Of course, not everyone on Twitter was happy with Ben & Jerry’s controversial stance either. One user, Leslie, who identifies as Oglala Lakota Sioux and Navajo, called them out, saying, “We don’t need you to be offended on our behalf.” Ouch, again! That’s gotta sting for Ben & Jerry’s.

But wait, there’s more! Some users also pointed out the hypocrisy in Ben & Jerry’s statement. They noted that the Ben & Jerry’s factory itself is built on what was once Native American land, specifically from the Abenaki tribe. Talk about a sticky situation for this woke ice cream brand.

Overall, it’s clear that Ben & Jerry’s took a gamble with this tweet, and it looks like they came up empty-handed. Their stock has taken a dip, and their reputation may have taken an even bigger hit. It just goes to show that sometimes, it’s better to stick to what you know best: making delicious ice cream. Leave the political hot takes to the politicians, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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