
PBS’s Judy Woodruff Accuses Trump of Conspiring with Netanyahu Without Evidence

The journalism industry appears to be in a race to the bottom at the Democratic National Convention, and Judy Woodruff from PBS is leading the charge. As if trying to get Kamala Harris elected wasn’t a tall enough order, Woodruff has now concocted a story so outrageous that it would make even the most seasoned fiction writer raise an eyebrow. Her claims that Donald Trump conspired with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to derail a ceasefire in Gaza for Harris’s benefit could easily serve as the plot for a bad political thriller.

Not one to shy away from making serious accusations without a shred of evidence, Woodruff’s wild assertions surfaced during PBS’s live coverage of the DNC. She suggested that Trump was on the phone with Netanyahu, advising him against pursuing a ceasefire because it would provide a boost to the Harris campaign. This bizarre yet theatrical narrative seemed to fly right out of the mainstream media playbook, where sensationalism often trumps fact-checking and integrity. One would think a luminary like Woodruff would demand solid sourcing before tossing around such serious claims, yet here we are.

This reckless rhetoric resembles the infamous Russian collusion claims that have plagued political discourse for years, replete with unsubstantiated links to foreign interference in elections. In reality, Trump’s potential advice to Netanyahu—to put a pause on dealings with Hamas, a known terrorist organization—could be deemed sound strategic thinking. However, the facts and context still may not matter to those who prefer to paint Trump and anyone associated with him as villains in a fanciful narrative.

To add insult to injury, Woodruff tried to pull a fast one during a follow-up segment, vaguely blaming her fabrications on Axios and Reuters while alluding to “later reporting” that refuted her claims. This deflection was as transparent as it was ludicrous; she knew exactly what she was doing by creating a headline-grabbing story, fully aware that her audience’s disdain for Trump and Netanyahu would overshadow any denials they issued. Unfortunately for her, the journalistic integrity expected from seasoned reporters is evidently a bridge too far in this post-truth media landscape.

As expected, the original reports from Axios and Reuters painted a very different picture. Neither outlet supported Woodruff’s fantastical account that Trump had urged Netanyahu against pursuing peace for political gain. In fact, reports indicated that Trump encouraged the prime minister to consider the deal. Following the fallout from Woodruff’s claims, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office denied that any such discussion took place, further confirming that Woodruff’s assertions were little more than fantasy. 


In light of this journalistic malpractice, it raises the question of why Woodruff remains on air or why PBS continues to receive public funding. The breach of journalistic ethics displayed here is staggering, and it only exacerbates the mistrust the public feels toward a biased media landscape determined to craft narratives rather than report the news. Perhaps it’s time for the taxpayers to evaluate whether they really want to support an organization that routinely peddles misinformation under the guise of journalism.

Written by Staff Reports

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