
Pelosi Dodges Biden Endorsement on Morning Joe Adding to Democratic Uncertainty for 2024

Nancy Pelosi’s recent appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” was a masterclass in political evasion. Confronted with the simple query of whether Joe Biden is the Democrats’ best hope for 2024, Pelosi tiptoed around a definitive answer. Rather than giving the president her full endorsement, she added to the chorus of Democratic confusion.

When reporters on the Hill asked Pelosi if Biden should square off against Trump again, she became the reincarnation of the Sphinx. Her coy admission that she would speak “when I’m ready” only ramped up the tension. By Wednesday, she was ostensibly prepared for a big reveal—but surprise, surprise—on “Morning Joe,” she danced around the issue yet again. Pelosi claimed it was up to Biden to decide, urging him to hurry up, as if the Democrats have all the time in the world to figure out whether they actually support their sitting president.

Pelosi went on to insist that, in the Democratic cocoon of Capitol Hill, Biden is cherished and respected. Reading between the lines, this sounds more like a pep talk to the team rather than a wholehearted vote of confidence. It’s kind of like telling your junior varsity quarterback that everyone thinks he’s great—meanwhile, you’re scouting the stands for someone, anyone, who might be able to throw a decent spiral.

Even when nudged again to comment on Biden’s stubborn insistence that he’s not going anywhere, Pelosi opted for more political mumbo-jumbo. She expressed a desire for him to do “whatever he decides,” yet conspicuously avoided promoting his re-election bid, almost as if she’s waiting for a magic eight ball to provide answers.

Interestingly enough, Pelosi suggested that everyone hold off on their political hot takes because of this week’s NATO summit. She assured her party that they should keep their criticisms or advice hush-hush until after Biden’s “Big Boy” press conference. Translation: she still harbors hope that the Democrats can discreetly shove their incumbent offstage before the 2024 primaries gain irreversible momentum.

The truth is, Pelosi’s current stance doesn’t bode well for Biden. Once his Capitol Hill bulldog, Pelosi’s hesitation might also be a desperate gambit to keep her relevance after losing her coveted Speaker’s gavel in 2022. Lurking in her carefully measured words is the unsettling reality that even seasoned Democratic operatives are uneasy about Biden’s chances, especially with national polls showing Trump gaining traction in crucial swing states.

In a not-so-shocking development, The Cook Political Report recently shifted six state Electoral College ratings rightward. Even their predictions are now favoring Trump in battlegrounds like Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, sending Democrats into a collective tailspin. Biden’s own party is fraught with anxiety, with more and more lawmakers mulling over what 2024 without the sitting president might look like.

America watches and waits as Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic elite grapple with their options, knowing full well that their indecision might very well be the deciding factor in Trump’s triumphant return to the Oval Office.

Written by Staff Reports

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