
Pelosi vs AOC: Democrat Divas’ Duel Dazzles DC!

In a shocking new book, it’s been revealed that the tension between Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal! These two leading ladies of the Democratic party have been button heads like a couple of rams in Congress for nearly five years, and boy, oh boy, the drama is juicier than a ripe peach in summertime!

According to journalist Ryan Grim’s new book, The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution, AOC and Pelosi have had some real doozies of disagreements. It’s like a clash of the titans, folks! Grim spills the beans that Pelosi, a political powerhouse in her own right, went on and on during their first “live meeting” in San Francisco in 2018. AOC was left scratching her head when Pelosi suggested that the slogan “Abolish Ice” was actually hatched by those crafty Russians. Can you believe it? Pelosi even went so far as to say that Democrats needed to squash it like a bug! It’s like a real-life soap opera, but with more politics and less crown jewels.

And that’s not all, folks! AOC was miffed that nobody from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee even bothered to ask her how in tarnation she managed to dethrone Rep. Joe Crowley. She’s got a point there! In the book, AOC claims Pelosi got her knickers in a twist when she spoke her mind about the party needing to pay attention and ask questions when unexpected things happen. Oh, the drama! It’s like a congressional reality TV show! And hold on to your hats, folks, because there are even text messages from AOC talking about the nearly 50-year age gap between her and Pelosi. It’s like Mean Girls, but with red, white, and blue instead of pink!

But wait, there’s a twist in this tale of titans! Since Pelosi handed over the reins as Democratic House leader, AOC claims she’s seen less hostility. It’s like a breath of fresh air in the hallowed halls of Congress! So, will these two ladies kiss and make up, or will the drama continue to play out like a never-ending episode of your favorite political sitcom? The plot thickens, my friends!

Written by Staff Reports

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