
Pence Campaign Crumbling: Cash Dwindles, Debt Rises, Can He Recover?

In a shocking turn of events, former Vice President Mike Pence’s presidential campaign is teetering on the edge of a financial meltdown. According to a report from NBC News, the campaign is drowning in debt and struggling to keep the cash flowing.

The campaign disclosed that it raised a meager $3.3 million in the third quarter, leaving them with a paltry $1.2 million in cash on hand. But that’s not all, folks! Brace yourselves, because the campaign is also burdened with a whopping $620,000 in debt. Yikes! Looks like someone has been maxing out their campaign credit card.

Compared to his Republican rivals and President Biden, Pence’s campaign is in dire straits. While the Biden re-election campaign raked in a cool $71 million during the third quarter, Pence is left clutching at pennies. It seems like the former VP needs to attend a financial management class or maybe take some pointers from a math whiz.

Let’s not forget that former President Trump’s campaign, which hasn’t disclosed their third-quarter numbers yet, pulled in a solid $35 million during the second quarter. And even Florida Governor Ron DeSantis managed to raise $15 million in the third quarter, though he can only use $5 million for the primary. So, Pence, it looks like you’re lagging behind big time.

And it gets worse! Debt has always been a harbinger of doom for presidential campaigns. Just ask then-Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who bowed out of the race shortly after reporting $161,000 in debt. It seems like history has an uncanny way of repeating itself.

With limited cash resources, Pence’s campaign is more strapped than a cowboy on a bucking bronco. He only has a little over $1 million to spend on the primary, thanks to some maxed-out donors. Note to self: don’t rely on wealthy patrons who have reached their donation limit. Lesson learned, Pence.

To add salt to the wound, Pence is scrambling to qualify for the next Republican primary debate. The RNC requires candidates to showcase 70,000 individual donors to secure a spot. Pence barely made the cut for the first debate, and now he’s in fifth place in the national polls. Looks like the former VP needs a political miracle to salvage his sinking campaign.

It’s safe to say that things aren’t looking rosy for Pence. His financial woes may just be the final nail in the coffin for his presidential ambitions. Maybe he should consider a career change. I hear there’s always a demand for used-car salesmen. Keep your head up, Pence, you’ll always have a place in the automotive industry.

Written by Staff Reports

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