
Pennsylvania Busted for Inaccurate Voter Rolls: Judicial Watch to the Rescue Again!

Judicial Watch has once again proven its commitment to ensuring the integrity of our nation’s elections. In a recent case, the group uncovered that Pennsylvania had failed to maintain accurate voter rolls, thus violating federal law. Thankfully, Judicial Watch was able to get Pennsylvania to acknowledge and correct its mistakes and agree to publicly report its voter statistics for the next five years.

As part of the settlement, Pennsylvania must publish information regarding both active and inactive voters, including the number of address confirmation notices sent out and the amount returned as undeliverable or not responded to. They will also have to disclose the total number of voters removed from the registration rolls due to death or failure to respond to an address confirmation notice, as well as failing to vote in the two most recent federal general elections.

This type of transparency is crucial in ensuring the fairness and accuracy of our elections. Every legal vote should be counted, and every illegal vote should be removed. Thanks to Judicial Watch, Pennsylvania now has cleaner election rolls that ensure only eligible voters are registered to vote.

This is just one of the many legal battles that Judicial Watch has won in the past few years. They have been able to remove over 2 million ineligible registrations from the voter rolls across the nation, showing their dedication to fair and accurate elections.

It is unfortunate that states are not already ensuring the accuracy of their voter rolls, but thankfully groups like Judicial Watch are willing to step up and hold them accountable. This settlement victory in Pennsylvania is just a small step in the right direction, and we must continue to fight for the integrity of our nation’s elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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