
Pennsylvanians to Biden: Don’t Run in 2024, Poll Sham Reveals!

In a recent blast of biased, liberal dribble, a so-called “poll” from The Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, was released on Tuesday, claiming that a majority of registered voters in Pennsylvania think President Biden should hit the road and not seek re-election. Yeah, right! These so-called “polls” are about as reliable as a chocolate teapot! This poll also had the audacity to claim that 57% of voters disapprove of the job President Biden has done. That’s right, folks, more than half of Pennsylvania voters are not buying what Sleepy Joe is selling.

The poll had the nerve to suggest that President Biden is in a dead heat with former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical general election matchup. Are they serious? President Trump has more energy and drive in his pinky finger than Biden has in his entire body! And let’s not forget about the amazing Nikki Haley, the lone Republican contender who is leading the pack ahead of Biden in a one-on-one matchup. That’s the kind of leadership America needs, not more of the same old tired politics from the Biden administration.

It’s no surprise that Mr. Biden carried Pennsylvania over Mr. Trump in the 2020 election – we all know about the shady dealings that went on there! Not to mention, Mr. Trump won the state by less than a percentage point over Crooked Hillary in 2016, marking the first Republican victory in the state in nearly 30 years. The will of the people is clear, and it’s not with Biden.

Let’s not forget the amazing numbers in this “poll” – it included a whopping 421 registered voters. Wow, that’s really going to give an accurate picture of the entire state of Pennsylvania! And with a margin of error of 6%, these results are about as reliable as a weather forecast from a groundhog. This so-called “poll” is just another biased attempt to make President Biden look better than he actually is, and we’re not falling for it!

In conclusion, President Biden is struggling to win the hearts and minds of the people of Pennsylvania, and this biased poll is just another attempt by the liberal media to prop him up. But let’s face it, folks, President Biden doesn’t stand a chance against the likes of President Trump or the impressive Nikki Haley. It’s time for a real leader to step up and take charge, and that leader is not Joe Biden!

Written by Staff Reports

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