
Phillips Throws Shade at No-Show Biden in NH Showdown!

In the midst of the 2024 Democratic presidential primary, Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota took center stage in Manchester, New Hampshire, alongside his ally Andrew Yang. With a crowd overflowing, the duo aimed to energize the audience with progressive promises and jabs at the absent former Vice President Joe Biden.

Phillips, exuding confidence, didn't shy away from criticizing Biden's absence, asserting that Biden is not capable of defeating Donald Trump in the next election. This bold statement demonstrated Phillips' eagerness to challenge the seasoned politician.

Adding to the drama, the Democratic National Committee, under Biden's influence, attempted to shuffle the primary calendar, leading to a standoff with New Hampshire. In response, New Hampshire, citing state law, insisted on maintaining its status as the first primary state. As a consequence, Biden's name won't appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot, and the state won't have official delegates at the DNC convention, leaving Biden out in the cold.

Seizing the opportunity, Phillips intensified his campaign efforts in the Granite State, capitalizing on the chaos and emphasizing his belief that Biden is too old for the presidency. Phillips didn't hold back, criticizing Biden's "cult of personality" and warning of the potential consequences, including a return of Donald Trump to the White House.

Phillips attempted to navigate a delicate balance on key issues, addressing affordable housing and "Medicare for all" while also subtly acknowledging the importance of a secure border. This strategic approach hinted at Phillips' efforts to appeal to a broad range of voters.

Andrew Yang also weighed in on the situation, questioning the DNC's treatment of New Hampshire and describing it as absurd. He raised concerns about the state of democracy within the DNC, highlighting internal conflicts and organizational challenges.

Despite the political theatrics, polling numbers appeared less promising for Phillips, with Biden leading at 61%, leaving Phillips trailing at 16%. The odds seemed stacked against him, but the unpredictable nature of politics left room for speculation about potential upsets and surprises in this unfolding drama. Only time will reveal whether Phillips can defy the odds and make a significant impact on the New Hampshire primary.

Written by Staff Reports

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