
Planned Parenthood Exploits Transgender Community to Push Abortion Agenda

Planned Parenthood released an ad this week that features a transgender person discussing an abortion as a “people’s rights” issue, rather than a women’s rights issue. The ad stars a biological woman who goes by the name of “Lucky,” and who is undergoing cross-sex medical treatment through Planned Parenthood. Lucky shares that it is important to share her abortion story, not only to raise awareness of such a human rights issue but, also to help individuals coming to grips with their true identity.

The video promotes the agenda that abortion rights are not just a matter of “women’s rights,” but rather the “people’s rights.” The ad shows how the radical left is using the transgender community to push their destructive agenda of killing unborn children. Planned Parenthood is a notorious supplier of cross-sex hormones and is a prominent voice in advocating for transgender ideology; it has even claimed that men can become pregnant and have abortions.

As the video ends, Planned Parenthood Action reminds viewers that advocating for the transgender agenda and advocating for abortion go hand-in-hand. Access to health care is a right, regardless of an individual’s choices or beliefs, according to them.

While Planned Parenthood has not provided any comment on the matter as yet, their motives have become transpicuous from this video. It is a pity how liberals are trying to use and abuse the transgender community whilst propagating their hate-filled agenda.

Source: The Daily Caller

Written by Staff Reports

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