
Poll Shocker: Youth Slide Away from Biden, Flock to Trump

Former President Trump has managed to gain a six-point lead over President Biden among young voters, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll. The Times themselves admit to being shocked by this result, as it was previously unheard of for Trump to be leading among young voters. However, this shift seems to be a recurring theme across multiple polls. Even the Times’ own surveys in battleground states showed Biden only leading by a single point among voters aged 18-29.

The Times speculates that Biden’s support for Israel could be the reason for this shift. They argue that young voters who sympathize more with the Palestinians than Israel may be more likely to favor Trump. However, it’s worth noting that Trump has been a vocal supporter of Israel, so it’s unclear if this is the true reason for the shift in young voters’ preferences.

Overall, Trump currently has a two-point lead over Biden among all registered voters. This represents a slight change from July, when the same poll showed the two candidates tied. Additionally, Biden was beating Trump among young voters by a ten-point margin in July, but that has since shifted towards Trump by 16 points. The only major event that has occurred during this time frame is the conflict between Gaza and Israel, so it’s possible that this could be influencing young voters’ opinions.

Another potential explanation for the shift towards Trump among young voters is the impact of Bidenomics. Prices have continued to rise under Biden’s administration, despite their claims of a strong economy. Home ownership has also become increasingly unaffordable, with the average mortgage payment jumping to over $3,000. Democrats’ opposition to building single-family homes and the influx of illegal immigrants competing for housing may also be contributing factors. These economic concerns may be causing young people to doubt the future under Biden’s leadership.


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