
Poll Shows Biden Economic Confidence Drops to 38%, Trails Trump

A recent poll by Gallup reveals a significant drop in public confidence in President Biden’s economic leadership. According to the poll, only 38% of adults have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of confidence in his ability to make the right decisions for the economy. This marks a sharp contrast to the 46% of adults who feel the same about former President Donald Trump.

Gallup highlighted that President Biden’s confidence ratings plummeted from 57% to 40% in 2022 due to soaring inflation, and have remained below 40% since then. When compared to his predecessors, President Biden’s performance in economic leadership also falls short. Former President Obama consistently maintained confidence ratings of at least 50% each year, except for one year with 42%, while only George W. Bush boasted lower confidence ratings than President Biden has since last year.

Partisan views heavily influenced Americans’ confidence in their leaders. A high percentage of Republicans expressed confidence in former President Trump, at 86%, while a similar percentage of Democrats held confidence in President Biden, at 82%. Additionally, Americans’ confidence in Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on the economy stood at 39%, with congressional Democrats and Republicans trailing at 38% and 36% respectively.

These poll findings hold particular significance as President Biden contemplates a re-election bid. The survey indicates that public confidence in the economic leadership of a sitting president is currently at its lowest point in comparison to his predecessors since records have been kept.

The poll conducted by Gallup was based on telephone interviews with 1,001 adults from April 1-22. The margin of sampling error is ± 4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

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