
Poll Shows Dems Favor Censorship: Free Speech Crisis Looms

RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll on free speech and censorship, and the results are both enlightening and concerning. The good news is that over 90 percent of respondents agree that free speech is a good thing. It’s a relief to see that this sentiment is shared across different demographics, including party affiliation, age, and race. However, there are some notable partisan differences that cannot be ignored.

The poll’s write-up included a thought-provoking headline: “Is Censorship a Partisan Issue?” And sadly, it seems that it is. Democrats, in general, seem to be more inclined to grant the government greater power when it comes to regulating free speech. This is deeply troubling because it suggests that the party no longer values or prioritizes free speech as it once did. It’s disconcerting to see how far the Democratic party has strayed from its roots.

One of the key factors contributing to these differences is generational. It seems that Millennials and Gen-Z, who have grown up in a digital age, are more open to government censorship. Shockingly, 42 percent of those under 30 believe it is “more important” for the government to protect national security than to safeguard the right to free expression. In contrast, only 26 percent of those over 65 share the same viewpoint. This stark generational divide highlights the erosion of our commitment to free speech.

The poll also reveals a concerning disparity when it comes to social media censorship. While a majority of Democrats (52 percent) approve of government censorship of social media content under the guise of national security, only one-third of Republicans and independents share this view. Moreover, a staggering 75 percent of Democrats believe that the government should have the responsibility to limit “hateful” social media posts, compared to 50 percent of Republicans. It’s alarming to see how Democrats are willing to grant more power to the government to control what can be said on social media platforms.

The wording of the survey questions is equally troubling. One question asks whether the government should restrict “hateful posts and disinformation” on social media platforms or allow an open forum of free speech, even if it includes hateful or inaccurate speech. Shockingly, 61.3 percent of respondents believe that the government should have the responsibility to restrict such content. Another question asks whether it is better to allow free speech without government interference or to let the government decide what types of speech should be banned. Alarmingly, 76.7 percent of respondents chose the former option. These responses highlight a growing willingness to prioritize government control over free speech.

The consequences of censorship are not hypothetical; they are deeply impactful. We only need to look back to the 2020 presidential election to see the real-world effects of media manipulation and censorship. The Hunter Biden laptop story, published by the New York Post, was censored by social media platforms at the behest of the Biden campaign. We were fed the narrative that it was a Russian disinformation campaign, only for it to be revealed later that it was indeed a true story. This censorship could have potentially altered the outcome of the election if more people had been aware of the story. It’s a chilling reminder of the power of censorship and its potential to shape public opinion.

The partisan differences in attitudes towards censorship are deeply concerning. As the poll’s write-up acknowledges, Democrats are increasingly willing to grant more power and control to the government. This is a dangerous path that not only undermines our fundamental right to free speech but also sets a dangerous precedent for the future. We should be wary of any attempts to restrict or regulate speech, as it goes against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

It’s disheartening to see how far the Democratic party has strayed from its traditionally liberal principles of championing free speech. Instead, we witness their embrace of censorship and an increasing willingness to limit our right to express ourselves freely. It is crucial that we remain vigilant in preserving and defending our freedom of speech, for it is the backbone of our democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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