
Poll Shows Majority Blame Biden for Economic Woes and Rising Inflation

In the latest poll from the Guardian newspaper, it seems like many Americans are feeling a little blue about the current state of the economy. Nearly three in five folks think the U.S. is stuck in an economic recession, and guess who they’re pointing fingers at? Yep, President Joe Biden. It’s like when you blame your little brother for eating the last slice of pizza – except this time it’s about money stuff.

Over half of the people surveyed – 58 percent to be exact – believe that the economic hiccups we’re facing are all because of what they view as mismanagement by President Biden and his team. They’re not too thrilled about the way things are going, to say the least. And it’s not just the Republicans saying this – even some Democrats and independents are nodding their heads in agreement.

It’s not just the recession fear that’s got people’s feathers ruffled. Inflation is also on the top of their worry list, with a whopping 72 percent of respondents saying they are majorly concerned about prices going up, up, up. Republicans, Democrats, and independents all seem to be seeing eye-to-eye on this one – nobody likes the idea of their dollars feeling like they’re on a trampoline.

Despite what some fancy-pants economists might say about the economy getting its act together, many regular folks are shaking their heads, saying, “Not in my neighborhood, buddy.” It’s like trying to convince your grandma that TikTok is better than knitting – it’s hard work! This disconnect between what’s being said and what’s being felt is causing some serious eyebrow-raising.

And don’t forget about the big chunk of people who are side-eying the media’s sunny economic reports. A whole 60 percent of the crowd feel like something fishy is going on with the way the news talks about money matters. And when it comes to “Bidenomics,” well, let’s just say lots of folks aren’t waving pompoms for it. Republicans and even some Democrats are giving thumbs down to Biden’s moves, saying they’re making things go downhill faster than a skateboard at a skate park.

So, it looks like the economic water cooler chat is buzzing with doubts and worries from every corner. Maybe it’s time for a little pep talk, some trust-building, and a pinch of good luck to turn this frown upside down. Let’s hope things start looking up soon before the grumbling at the dinner table gets louder than a rumbling stomach.

Written by Staff Reports

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