
Poll Shows Tight Race Between Trump and Harris in Key Battleground States

Polling data recently released suggests that former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are engaged in a political showdown tighter than a pair of jeans after Thanksgiving dinner. North Star Opinion Research conducted a poll involving 1,400 likely voters across seven pivotal states, revealing that Harris is leading Trump by a slim margin of 47% to 46%. Given the poll’s margin of error of +/- 2.62%, one might wonder if they are competing in a carnival game rather than an election.

The poll’s results unfolded as Harris secured sufficient delegates to net the Democratic nomination. This prompted mirthful speculation about whether her campaign would be sponsored by “Any Random Snack Food” due to its predictable reliance on the far-left. As for Trump, he finds himself holding a solid lead in states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada, while Harris is managing to scrape by in North Carolina and Wisconsin. Pennsylvania, the perennial toss-up, remains up for grabs like a contestant on a game show when the prize is an actually functioning economy.

In a hypothetical electoral college breakdown, Trump is positioned to nab 267 electoral votes against Harris’s 252, with Pennsylvania remaining the wild card. Ironically, it appears that even hardcore Harris supporters might need an extra dose of caffeine to stay hopeful about her chances, as over half of those surveyed are still wondering if they’ve been better off under Trump instead of the current administration.

Adding a sprinkle of chaos to the polling are the third-party candidates, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chase Oliver, and Jill Stein, who collectively siphon off some support. Even if they weren’t invited to the debate, they still managed to take a stab at the numbers. Harris manages to cling to her 1-point advantage over Trump, with 42% to 41%. Notably, RFK Jr. polled 8%, and Stein and Oliver found themselves scratching for crumbs with a meager 2% and 1%, respectively.

The real kicker is how voters feel about the economy, which could be the final nail in the Biden-Harris coffin. A delightful 54% of respondents express that they are worse off under the Biden administration, while 51% claim they were better off during Trump’s term. Even independents aren’t playing nice, with 45% saying they miss the Trump era’s economic policies compared to only 22% noting they’re glad they made the switch. As the nation grapples with rising costs of living, a staggering 64% of voters direct their ire at the Biden-Harris administration for the skyrocketing price of groceries—because why would anyone drop the ball on something as vital as food?

As Biden’s “border czar,” Harris has similarly faced the ire of voters regarding her performance. A whopping 58% have rated her efforts as weak, with only 31% feeling she’s somewhat strong in the role. It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement, especially given the sheer scale of the border crisis, where a strong performance could actually earn a politician some gratitude (or at least some low-calorie applause). Despite the glitzy advertising, it seems that a solid majority are not rolling out the red carpet for Harris’ presidential aspirations.

Written by Staff Reports

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