
Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden as Critical Debate Looms

The upcoming clash between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump has been touted as the most critical presidential debate of all time, but it’s hard not to see why when you consider the stakes—or the entertainment value. Biden’s future as the 2024 Democratic nominee is apparently hanging by a fraying thread, a thread that might just snap if he faceplants on the debate stage.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey shared with the public indicates that more voters believe Trump will trounce Biden. The poll, which leans slightly in favor of Democrats, shows Trump leading Biden by a 47%-37% margin. It’s not rocket science to figure out why the odds are in Trump’s favor. Between Biden’s frequent gaffes and his tendency to meander off course, it’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck.

Age seems to be a significant factor for voters, with a whopping 57% agreeing that Biden’s recent fumbles are a clear sign that he’ll struggle during the debate. On the other hand, only 32% feel Trump’s age will be a problem—he may be 78, but he certainly hasn’t lost his punch. Biden, at 81, is just getting harder to watch, and that has Democrats, Republicans, and independents tuning in to see if he can keep it together.

Interestingly, the Democrats are a house divided on the question of Biden’s competency. They’re split down the middle, with 43% thinking his age is an issue and another 43% apparently more optimistic—or delusional, depending on one’s perspective. Further polls reveal a general sentiment among Democrats that they’re unsure if Biden can actually win the election, with many wishing he would graciously bow out and let a more viable candidate step in.

A notable 34% of Democrats view this first debate as Biden’s last hurrah. If he flops, they believe he should be replaced on the ticket posthaste. This sentiment isn’t just limited to Democrats; 47% of all voters echo the belief that this debate is Biden’s final audition. If he fails to impress, it could be curtains for his 2024 aspirations, leaving 39% of voters who presumably enjoy watching the gaffes thinking he should stick around for more.

All eyes will be on Biden and Trump as they take the stage, but let’s be honest—most folks already have a pretty good idea of how this is going to go. Whether it’s historical or hysterical, one thing’s for sure: we’ll all be watching with popcorn in hand.

Written by Staff Reports

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