
Portnoy Blasts Clooney for Late Biden Criticism After Millions Raised at Fundraiser

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy took to the internet to call out Hollywood actor George Clooney for his delayed revelation about Joe Biden’s condition. Portnoy didn’t hold back, pointing out Clooney’s recent fundraiser for Biden where millions were raised, only for Clooney to now question the president’s capabilities weeks later. Portnoy didn’t mince words, expressing his disbelief at Clooney’s sudden change of tune and accusing him of trying to save face.

The delay in Clooney’s criticism didn’t sit well with Portnoy, who questioned why it took three weeks for Clooney to speak up if he truly believed Biden was unfit for office. Portnoy’s colorful language and bold statements highlighted the hypocrisy he saw in Clooney’s actions, painting a picture of a Hollywood elite trying to cover their tracks when the truth becomes inconvenient.

Portnoy went on to criticize not just Clooney, but also other prominent Democrats who he believed were aware of Biden’s cognitive decline long before it became a public talking point. He called out the dishonesty within the Democratic Party, pointing to their feigned surprise at Biden’s state despite apparent signs of deterioration over the years. Portnoy’s remarks didn’t shy away from highlighting what he saw as a pattern of deception among influential Democrats.

In Portnoy’s eyes, Clooney’s late condemnation of Biden was just another example of political gamesmanship within the Democratic ranks. He suggested that Clooney and others had likely been aware of Biden’s condition for a significant period but chose to speak up only when it served their agenda. Portnoy’s scathing commentary didn’t hold back in questioning the Hollywood elite’s sincerity and motivations behind their sudden revelations about Biden’s supposed shortcomings. 


Portnoy’s brash style and direct approach to critiquing Clooney and other Democrats reflected a broader sentiment within conservative circles. The article highlighted Portnoy’s belief in holding influential figures accountable for their actions and shedding light on what he saw as a web of deceit and manipulation within the political landscape.

Written by Staff Reports

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