
Press Secretary Sparks Unintended ‘Cocaine-gate’ Drinking Game!

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that cocaine was discovered in the White House and the Secret Service is apparently powerless to determine its owner. This has left federal officials baffled and unable to solve the mysterious case. Despite narrowing down the suspect list to 500 people, the Secret Service has been unable to identify a person of interest. This lack of progress has raised eyebrows and questions about the competence of our law enforcement agencies.

One would think that in a situation like this, a thorough investigation would be conducted to get to the bottom of things. Yet, the Biden White House seems content with the lackluster findings and is ready to sweep it under the rug. It’s almost as if they want to move on and pretend like nothing happened. But the truth is, everything about this situation smells fishy.

To add to the absurdity, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre, also known as Grey Poupon, has repeatedly mentioned the “thorough investigation” in her press briefings. It’s almost as if she’s trying to convince herself and everyone else that they actually did a good job. It’s a shame that we can’t rely on our government to handle serious matters with the seriousness they deserve.

The excuses given by the Secret Service for ending the investigation after just 11 days are truly preposterous. They claim they couldn’t conduct interviews with potential suspects because they didn’t want to infringe on their civil rights. But we all know they have no problem rounding up hundreds of people for simply being near the Capitol on January 6th. It’s clear that the Biden administration only cares about civil liberties when it suits their narrative.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik is one of many who believe that the Secret Service didn’t want to find anyone responsible for the cocaine. He points out the lack of surveillance footage in a building filled with security cameras, calling the blind spot argument bogus. He also suspects that the constantly changing locations of the cocaine discovery are an attempt to conceal the truth. It’s hard to argue with his logic.

The fact that the head of the Secret Service used to be on Joe Biden’s detail as vice president only adds fuel to the fire of conspiracy theories. It’s not surprising that jokes about the cocaine belonging to Hunter Biden have started circulating. While it may be just a joke, the connection between the Secret Service and the President’s son raises questions about potential conflicts of interest and cover-ups.

In the end, this embarrassing incident is just another example of the incompetence and lack of transparency in the Biden administration. The American people deserve answers and accountability, but it seems like they will be left in the dark once again. It’s time for real leadership and a commitment to solving the issues facing our country, not sweeping them under the rug.

Written by Staff Reports

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