
Pro-Palestinian Protesters Firebomb UC Berkeley Building Demand Israel Divestment

In a recent event at the University of California Berkeley (UCB) campus, there were reports of pro-Palestinian protesters engaging in some fiery shenanigans. These individuals were said to have firebombed a building on the campus, which, let’s be real, is not the most neighborly behavior one could exhibit. The group, claiming to be all about Palestine Action in the United States, went as far as to post about their escapade on Instagram. Now, imagine that – posting about criminal activities like it’s the new cat video craze!

Apparently, the instigators behind this fiasco had the audacity to suggest that their ruthless act was in response to alleged attacks on students at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). The post included a long message from an anonymous author, who went by the name “student intifada” because of course, nothing screams responsible activism like hiding behind a pseudonym. The author claimed that they didn’t really care which building they targeted because, and I quote, “Every single building on the UC Berkeley campus deserves to be incinerated.” Well, that’s a bit extreme, don’t you think? It’s a campus, not a dragon’s lair.

The University of California Police Department (UCPD) unsurprisingly launched an investigation into this heated situation. The post on Instagram was decorated with some rather ominous lines like, “Long live the student intifada for Palestine liberation,” and “Blessed is the flame.” Sounds more like a chant at an evil wizard convention rather than a call for peaceful resolution. And let’s not overlook the fact that they were demanding the UC System divest from Israel or face their “wrath of revenge.” Yeesh, talk about throwing a tantrum with Molotov cocktails.

Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Post mentioned that there were claims of a student being mistreated but then later released. It’s like a game of telephone, but with serious allegations. And on the other end of the stick, Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA (SJP UCLA) corroborated the story of the student’s release. It seems there was also some commotion at UCLA, where anti-Israel activists allegedly tried to set up camp, disrupting exams and such. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Safety over at UCLA, Rick Braziel, expressed concerns, especially after some unpleasant incidents involving injuries to UCPD personnel. Braziel did not mince his words, calling these acts of protest “abhorrent” and insisting that they cannot continue.

On top of all this chaos, there were further antics involving anti-Israel protesters taking over a building at UCB. It’s like a real-life drama unfolding on campus grounds. The protesters responsible for the takeover didn’t seem to be in the loop about an agreement in place between university administrators and other protesters to end an encampment. Needless to say, questionable decisions and fiery tempers seemed to be all the rage, with more arrests following the establishment of a new encampment the day after.

Breitbart News tried reaching out to the University of California Berkeley for their take on the situation, but no response was received. All in all, it seems like these protesters took a page out of the reckless playbook. Let’s hope they realize that arson and chaos don’t exactly scream “peaceful protest,” but hey, stranger things have happened on university campuses, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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