
Pro-Palestinian Stunt Halts Thanksgiving Parade, Fury Ensues

A group of pro-Palestinian troublemakers caused an uproar at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this year by dousing themselves in fake blood and gluing themselves to the middle of 6th Avenue. The New York Post reported that these disruptors, wearing white jumpsuits with protest messages and splattered with red, brought the parade to a screeching halt, much to the annoyance of onlookers. They paraded 6th Avenue with signs calling for “Liberation for Palestine and Planet” and even went as far as pretending to be dead on the ground while others poured fake blood over them, causing quite a spectacle.

Fox News noted that some of these activists were heard shouting, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” clearly promoting violence and chaos. The NYPD had to step in and take two of these troublemakers into custody. These agitators were also heard chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a thinly veiled call for the destruction of Israel, and carried messages on their jumpsuits accusing Israel of “militarism,” “racism,” and “ethnic cleansing.” Their disruptive behavior even extended to incorporating climate change messaging into their tirade.

These disruptive antics went too far, and when the police tried to remove them, they cried out in pain, causing further disturbance to the parade. Unsurprisingly, parade spectators were incensed by the display, with one attendee expressing their frustration, saying, “It’s pissing me off. Do it somewhere else. Not today, they’re ruining the parade. They super-glued their hands to the street. These people worked hard to be in this parade.”

It’s clear that these pro-Palestinian activists crossed the line with their disruptive and disrespectful behavior at a wholesome family event like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. They brought their hateful and divisive messages front and center, causing a major disturbance and ruining the festive atmosphere for everyone else. Such behavior has no place at a beloved American tradition and only serves to sow further division and animosity.

Written by Staff Reports

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